Grandma Judy and Aunt Gwen came down from the mountains of Mariposa this weekend to visit with us, and of course our little Rory fish wanted to spend the day in the pool with his cousins, Marin and Joaquin. I'm so excited that he loves to swim! Here's a short video of him livin' it up in the water and some cute pictures from the day:
Dear Rory, Yesterday you turned 14 months old. FOURTEEN MONTHS. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that the day you were born, time suddenly started to move at warp speed. Months pass in the blink of an eye, and you are rapidly changing from a helpless baby into this amazing little boy, who can walk, talk and think for himself. Ah yes, the WALKING. Did I mention that you are now totally mobile, so mobile that you NEVER SIT DOWN? Those chunky little legs have always been busy moving, but now they can actually take you somewhere - and strangely enough, it's not usually in the direction that I had in mind. Go figure. If I thought you were a handful before, well, I obviously had no idea what I was in for. You love to assert your new independence, and the result is me chasing after you ALL THE TIME. (I should mention here that it might be nice to give Mama a break every once in awhile!)
Along with the gift of mobility, you have also finally started learning to communicate with us. That Baby Sign I've been working on with you has started to pay off, and now you know how to use your hands to tell us "all done", "airplane", and of course, your favorites "eat" and "more". Your verbal vocabulary is also growing, and although I can't always understand what you're trying to tell me with your cute little grunts and babbling, I know for sure that you can say the following:
Light (Pronounced "LIEEEE TTTTTT" Hot (Pronounced "HAAA TTTTT" Icky Kitty (Pronounced "KEE KEE") Banana (Pronounced "NA NANA") Dada Wee! (when he's going down a slide) Mama (finally!)
I know that you understand a lot more than you let on and sometimes it freaks me out when you actually do what I tell you to. Like today when I told you that it was time to eat, so you walked into the kitchen and tried to climb into your high chair. Moments like that make me so proud of you that I'm afraid I'm going to burst.
I know I haven't been as diligent as I'd like to be about writing down this adventure that we're on together, and though I'd like to swear that I'll be better about it, you keep me too busy these days to promise anything (not to mention the fact that you like to try and "help" me type on the computer.) I may not get down every milestone or monthly newsletter (notice that Month 13 is missing), but that doesn't mean that I love you any less, it only means that I'd rather spend my time playing with you than with my nose in the computer. And if you had known me as the computer geek that I was before you were born, you would know that's a pretty BIG DEAL...