Friday, July 30, 2004

It's Got To Get Better Than This!

I don't know how I'm dragging myself to work each day. I literally cry all the way to the office(which is preferable to throwing up the whole way I guess), and once I'm there, all I can think about is how much I want to go home and sleep and puke in peace. Luckily my boss is pretty sympathetic because she had a rough pregnancy a few years ago, so she's been really cool. I don't even think she'd mind if I just went home, which I'm seriously considering doing.

I'm really glad that we told my parents this weekend, because that means I can call my mommy and complain about how sick I feel, which is really kinda nice. My parents were totally flabbergasted, by the way. You should have seen the confusion on their faces when they opened the picture frames we got them that said "Grandparents" on them. They were like, did you give this to the wrong person or what? But then my mom suddenly got it and she screamed, "Are you pregnant? Oh my Gawd!" You could tell she was thrilled. Strangely enough, my dad's first word's were "oh no...", which sort of threw me at first, but then he got this big silly grin on his face and I knew he was really happy. My parents were made to be grandparents - so even though it's going to be hard for them to come to terms with being called grandma and grandpa because it makes them feel old, they're gonna love it. I know my mom is going to enjoy the next 7 months and all the planning that we have to do. She thrives on that kind of thing. She's probably already dreaming of nurseries and baby names.

I just wish I could stop feeling so sick so I could enjoy it, too.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Meetin' the Doc

I had my first OBGYN appointment today. I was a little nervous about whether or not I'd like my doctor, but Dr. Fine put me at ease right away. I told her about my puking problem and she prescribed some different things that should help - and if they don't she assured me that there were other things to try. I could have kissed her! My favorite part of the exam was the ultrasound. Who would have thought that I'd get to have one so soon? There really isn't much to see at this point, but there is definitely something there - and that makes all of this hurling all over the place worth it. She even gave me a picture of the scan to take home to Hoby, and I know he's gonna freak out.

We're planning on telling my parents this weekend, and I'm glad I'll have something to show them. We got them little picture frames that say "Me and My Grandma" and "Me and My Grandpa". I can't wait to see the look on their faces...

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Amazing Puking Pregnant Lady

Week 7:

Consider yourselves warned - the first few months of pregnancy are a bitch. Being nauseous is bad enough, but being nauseous constantly for WEEKS ON END is the pits. Everything makes me sick - moving around, being too hot, smelling someone's lunch cooking in the microwave -even writing about those things make me want to hurl. All of a sudden, I just get THAT FEELING, you know the twinge in my teeth and the way my mouth starts to water, and I'm lucky to make it to the bathroom in time. I've stopped eating things based on how they taste, it's now all based on how it will taste when it comes back up. Sighhhh - what happened to that healthy pregnant glow? I look like a wrung out dish rag.

It just occurred to me that this is the first time I'm mentioning that we're having a baby. I just found a few weeks ago. One day, on a whim, I decided to take a home pregnancy test. I didn't really think it would come out positive - I mean, my periods have always been irregular and the only symptom I had was incredibly sore boobs. But since I take a bunch of medication that wouldn't be safe for a baby, I though it was better to be safe than sorry. Imagine my surprise when the little pink plus sign showed up on that stick! It took my breath away. I just couldn't believe it - we certainly hadn't been trying (although we also hadn't been using serious birth control either - unless you count the rhythm method as serious. You heard it hear first, ladies - THE RHYTHM METHOD DOESN'T WORK!) I wouldn't totally believe it until I heard it from a doctor, so I made an appointment for the very next day and began to mentally struggle with whether I wanted this EPT test to be wrong or right.

I went to the doctor's the next morning and they confirmed what I think I already knew - I was definitely pregnant. As I was driving back to work after the appointment, still in shock, my mother called to tell me that my grandmother had passed away. It's interesting the way that the life cycle works, isn't it? Before I could catch my breath - and before I could say anything about the pregnancy to anyone, including my husband, I was whisked off on a red-eye flight to Florida to help with funeral arrangements and to comfort my poor grandpa. (My grandparents were married for a whopping 68 years, but my grandmother was a very sick lady, so we're happy that her suffering ended sooner rather than later. It's still never easy though to lose someone you love, is it?)

I had been feeling fine before I left for the east coast, but over the course of the week I was in Florida, morning sickness began to rear it's ugly head. I started to become kind of green around the gills and I kept having to run to the bathroom. Since I was sharing a hotel room with my brother Jeremy, it soon became apparent that I wasn't going to be able to hide the fact that I was pregnant. As soon as I told him, the first words out of his mouth were "I knew it!" He was very excited and I was actually a little relieved to have finally told someone, although I felt guilty that he knew before my husband. The rest of the trip was pretty miserable, especially the flight home. I just kept feeling worse and worse and worse. I ended up having to steal one of the barf bags from the plane to carry with me in my purse, just in case I decided I needed to hurl in my mom's new Infinity G35 on the way home from the airport.

So it was with great relief that I finally got home and was able to tell my husband. Unfortunately, I didn't get to tell him in a special way like I would have liked to. I was so tired from the flight home, and so incredibly nauseous the next morning that I couldn't get out of bed so I just started crying, like a totally hormonal pregnant woman. When he asked what was wrong I sniffled, took a deep breath and said, "We're having a baby." Not the most romantic moment ever, but thankfully, he didn't care - he was thrilled! THANK GOD. Secretly I had been so worried that he would be upset, since this wasn't part of "The Plan" we had decided on, but one look at his smiling face and all my worries went out the window. And as soon as we stopped smiling and hugging one another, I promptly jumped up from the bed and threw up. Ah pregnancy. Ain't it great?

Now trying to get through each day is like trying to climb Mt. Everest. I'm exhausted, nauseous, and totally miserable. I have my first appointment with the OBGYN this Friday and I'm praying that she can give me something so I can stop puking and start enjoying being pregnant. If I can just make it to Friday.... ugh.

Monday, July 12, 2004


Hello, my name is Stacy and I have become a job board addict.

Everyday I pour over all the major sites - Monster, CareerBuilder, HotJobs, DirectEmployers - always hoping that TODAY will be the day that I find that one perfect job. But unless I suddenly have a burning desire to be a telemarketer, or perhaps take up truck driving, there hasn't been much to get excited about lately. So I console myself by reading all of the ridiculous job descriptions and having a good laugh. You know, the ones that are asking for like 20 years of experience and have a list of qualifications a mile long, but with a pay rate of only $9 per hour and no benefits. Yeah, right. But the sad part is, they WILL find someone who will take that position, even though that $9 per hour will barely even pay for the gas it takes to get there every day. That's the problem with today's job market - we're just THAT desperate.

As the months go by, I find myself considering jobs that I have no business considering, jobs that are light years away from what I want to do just because I'm starting to feel the pressure. Executive secretary? Sure, why not. How hard could it be? Legal assistant? Kinda boring but they get paid fairly well, right? Preschool teacher? Well, no, I still wouldn't do THAT, but let me tell you that I can rationalize applying for almost ANY job these days. I have to keep reminding myself that have until January at my current temporary job (as fabulous as it may be, ha ha), so there's no need to panic just yet. But still I find myself constantly being drawn to those job boards, day in and day out, searching through the posts until my eyes glaze over. How can I not look? What if I miss something? Argggh, I'm hopelessly addicted.