Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dreidal Ornaments?


Found this item in the Crate and Barrel catalog and couldn't help but laugh at the irony... most people who play with dreidals would not have a use for Christmas tree ornaments!

But I'll be buying some, of course. :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

20 Month Newsletter

Dear Rory -

Recently you turned twenty months old - that's TWO ZERO, people! - and it's such a BIG number that I've been considering just calling you a year and a half when people ask because saying that you're "twenty months" just sounds awkward (doesn't it?). Although it's kinda sad to think that you're so old now that I'm actually going to stop referring to your age in terms of months. WOW.

You've become such a little PERSON this past month, Ro, and you're so full of personality that you little body can barely contain it all. You're talking up a storm - I swear you say at least three new words a day - and you're even starting to put together some short sentences and sing bits of songs, which never fails to surprise me. When I realized that I could begin humming something and you would chime in with the words (like "RO RO RO BOOOOAT" or "SHINKLE SHINKLE ITTLE STARRR"), well, my mouth just dropped open in amazement. And you totally looked at me like, "Geez - I've known these songs for AGES! Duh, Mom!" I guess I slightly underestimated how much information that brain of yours could hold. And if your off-the-charts head circumference is any indication, I'm sure you'll keep on wowing me with your brain powers for years to come.

I've also noticed lately that not only are you smart, but sometimes you're actually TOO smart for your own good. For instance, you can now open every child safety latch in the house, you've figured out how to use our car keys to get into and START our cars, and most recently, you've realized that you can open and close the automatic windows in the car from your car seat with your toes. And these are just the highlights of a long list of things that keep your father and I busy 24/7. I realize that the word "NO" has taken over my vocabulary lately and I apologize for that, but try to understand that I love you and I want you to be safe. I hate being the "Mean Mama" and giving you time-outs, so give me a break every once in awhile and surprise me by actually listening the FIRST time I tell you to do something. Let me feel like I'm the boss sometimes, okay?

But even though there has been a battle of wills going on at our house lately, you've still had plenty of time to indulge in your obsession with Elmo. I have a hard time denying you your furry red monster because I think your rapidly expanding vocabulary is in large part due to him. And it's the only time of day that you sit still for longer than five minutes. You've now figured out how to work the TiVo remote so you can turn on the T.V., find an episode of Sesame Street, and then fast forward to the part with Elmo in it. It's a little scary, actually. And yes, I know how bad T.V. is supposed to be for kids and all, but you've learned so much from Sesame Street and there are definitely worse things you could be watching. (Like BARNEY! Ugh!)

There are other things you love besides Elmo, like:
- Eating Pirates Booty from Trader Joes
- Doing ollies on Dada's skateboard (on carpet, of course!)
- Pushing down sprinkler heads (it's a long story...)
- Drinking vanilla milks at Starbucks
- Sipping Dada's beer and coffee
- Removing your socks - you LOVE to be barefoot just like your hippie mama
- Scrubbing the blinds with your tooth brush (don't ask.)
- Shoving whole bananas in your mouth
- Dancing to almost any music (your favorite right now is the "Fruit Dance" from Sesame Street
- and last but not least, washing your hands after pretending to use your training potty

I know that we butt heads a lot lately, Buddy, but I want you to know that no matter how exasperated I may seem to get, I love you unconditionally. You are my baby boy and you make me so proud of you EVERY DAY. I'll get the hang of this toddler parenting thing eventually - I promise. Just hang in there with me until then, okay?


Mama and Rory

Monday, November 06, 2006

Yes, You ARE at Starbucks

Yesterday, this woman came into Starbucks with the kind of attitude where she thinks that people who work behind counters are obviously beneath her and she orders a Caramel Ice Blended. Okay, at Starbucks we call them Caramel Frappucinos (Ice Blendeds are a Coffee Bean thing) but no biggie, we baristas are used to this. So I called out "Caramel Frappucino" to the person making the drinks, which caused the following ridiculous conversation to take place between me and the Lady with a 'Tude:

Her: Excuse me, but I ordered a CARAMEL ICE BLENDED. I don't know what you just said, but that's not what I ordered.

Me: Yes, I know you want a Caramel Ice Blended. But we call them Caramel Frappucinos here.

She just glares at me and hands me her card. Her COFFEE BEAN card.

Me: Um, sorry, but I think you gave me the wrong card.

Her: So? It's for Coffee Bean. Same thing.

Me: Actually, it's not. Coffee Bean is our competitor.

Her: So you won't take it.

Me: Uh, NO.

Her: How ridiculous! I'm taking my business elsewhere!

ME: Super! Coffee Bean is just down the street...

Okay, so I didn't actually say that last line, but it sure was tempting.

Why are people who drink coffee such idiots?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Halloween 2006


Rory absolutely loved Halloween this year! He was a puppy dog (for no other reason than it was the last costume left at Target that would fit him the night before Halloween) and he looked adorable. I just kept wanting to squeeze his little cheeks! Even Avery couldn't keep her hands off of him:


This was the first year he went trick or treating and I just kept wondering what was going on inside that little head of his. I mean, if you had no idea what Halloween was and then suddenly one night all these random people start ringing your doorbell dressed in weird costumes, and then your parents dress you up in funny clothes and send you out to knock on people's doors after dark. Just think about how confused you'd be! You could tell that he was like, "I have NO idea what's going on here, but you know what? I sorta LIKE it!" He was even able to manage saying trick or treat (which sounded more like "Too Twee Tweet!") and I was so proud of him. What a long way he's come from last year when he fell asleep before the first kid ever rang the door bell...

White Trash Dad and His Dog
