Monday, November 22, 2004

Ain't Technology Great?!

My work has this horrible little thing called Web Sense on all of our computers that blocks almost every interesting website on earth.  Not only can I not check my AOL email or cruise the internet during my work day (how dare they take away my right to procrastinate and be totally unproductive!), but I also have been unable to update my blog from work. It's really been quite detrimental to keeping up an active social life while on the job. Tsk, tsk. However, I recently have found a new way to outsmart the evil Web Sense! Yea me! I have just figured out how to update my blog via email, which Web Sense is thankfully unable to sensor (for right now, at least). So now I can subject you to my ramblings on a more regular basis. Lucky you!

Sunday, November 21, 2004


I'm driving down the 101 freeway the other day and I end up stuck in traffic behind this enormous SUV. Its bumper is covered in stickers, and since there isn't a lot of other things to look when you're stuck in Oxnard going two miles per hour, I started to read them. "Save the Planet", "Love Mother Earth", and "Save Our Natural Resources", just to name a few. I'm all for protecting the environment, but I hate to break it to ya, buddy, you're driving a gas guzzling SUV! What a hypocrite! People just don't get it sometimes, do they?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Pregnancy Has Gone to My Head

Friday night we were having dinner at Hoby's aunt and uncle's house. I
was meeting him there after work, and even though I've been there
several times, I wasn't totally sure how to get there, so I asked
for directions. The directions were easy enough - get off at
the Kimbal exit and take a left, take a right at the first stop light on
Coltran, then another right on Baker. Okay, not too hard. So I'm
driving along, following the directions, but when I turn right at the
first stop light, the road dead ends at a school. And I'm like, hey,
this can't be right! So I turn around and back track a bit, but I can't
find Coltran ANYWHERE. I try calling Hoby on his cell phone, but for
once in his life, he actually turned the darn thing off and I can't get
through. I continue to drive around, hoping that I'll eventually find
the elusive Coltran, but after 15 minutes and at least 5 u-turns, I
realize that I need help.

I finally call in an SOS to my sister-in-law, Jackie, and explain my driving dilemma. Of course, she asks me for a landmark to help her figure out where I am, so I say that I'm on Kimbal, and that I just passed the Government Center. "The Government Center?" she says, "There's no Government Center on Kimbal! You're on Victoria, silly!" I had gotten off one exit too soon without even realizing it - and let me tell you, it's not like I've never gotten off at either of these exits before - I'm use them all the time! Boy, did I feel like a complete IDIOT. But at least I can chalk this up to being pregnant, right?

Just nod yes and make me feel better, okay?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Make Way for the Waddle

23 Weeks

I went for another ultrasound today because the baby still hasn't been moving very much (at least not that I can feel) and we just wanted to make sure that everything was A-OK. This was the first time I'd ever had an ultrasound in the morning - usually I have them in the late afternoon and I think the little guy has always been taking a nap. Well, he was wide awake this morning! He was movin' all over the place - waving his arms and kicking his tiny feet. (Have I mentioned how darn cute his little feet are?!) The funny thing is that I STILL can't feel it, even when I can SEE him giving me a good swift kick in the ribs. I suppose I should be grateful for my overly large placenta and the fact that it is absorbing all of his attempts to kick the living day lights out of my uterus. In a few weeks I have no doubt that I will be wishing for the days that I was blissfully unaware of his movements.

Speaking of movement, I've been horrified lately with this pregnant waddle that I have suddenly acquired. How on earth did that happen? I always swore to myself that I would not be one of those waddling women, I mean weren't they just being lazy? Couldn't they stop themselves if they REALLY wanted to? Well, unfortunately, I've now learned that the answer is a big resounding NO. I CAN'T HELP IT. These hips of mine have a mind of their own and they are quite the force to be reckoned with. I practically leave dents in the walls of the hallway at work as I waddle my way across the building. So if you happen to find yourself walking next to me, well, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Satan in Carl's Jr.

A friend and I had just finished having a nice peaceful lunch at Carl's Jr. today and were sitting at our table chatting when suddenly an older lady with really big hair and equally big glasses marches over to our table and rudely asks "Are you just going to sit here and gab all day or are you going to move it so I can have your table?". WHAT?! Did she really just say that? I was so stunned I couldn't even speak for a second (and if you know me, that's no small feat!) - I think I just had my mouth open in shock. My friend Gail, who also looked a bit rattled, looked around and said as politely as she could manage "We will be here for another 15-20 minutes or so, but there are plenty of other tables available." So the woman snaps at her "I want a BOOTH, not some grungy table. Now just hurry up and leave!"

Now, I could see that Gail, who is a former policewoman and is also known as Gail the Gun Lady (see my past post) was turning red and getting ready to explode at the lady (which would have been kinda fun to watch, but probably not such a good idea), so I quickly said "Look, I'm sorry, but we're not finished. If you're still waiting for a table when we're done, I'll come and find you. " Well, apparently this wasn't good enough for the queen of bitchiness. She made a big stink and then proceeded stand two feet away and glare at us for the remainder of our lunch. Talk about unsettling! Gail and I were totally uncomfortable but we refused to give in and leave until we were good and ready. Once we had waited long enough and the woman looked about ready to have a nuclear meltdown, we stood up to leave. Before I could even get my big pregnant butt out of the booth she was swooping in to grab the table, practically knocking me down in the process. I've never seen anything like it! And all for a stupid booth by the window that overlooked the FREEWAY, for goodness sake! What is this world coming to?