Friday, April 16, 2004

That Friday Feeling

It's funny how Friday feels so different from the rest of the week. Just knowing that you're about to get released from work for two days of freedom puts a certain energy into the air, and you can see it in people's faces. Of course, being me, I'm already envisioning all the things I need to get done over the weekend - clean the kitchen floor, dust the house, vacuum, etc. I'm trying hard to distract myself from the growing "To Do" list in my head and focus on just enjoying that Friday feeling.

The week went well enough - we were super busy at work so the time flew by, and I certainly have no complaints about that. But I'm noticing that I'm so tired when I get home that I just want to drop down on the couch and watch t.v. I'm becoming such a couch potato! I know that I've put on a few pounds and I'd be lying if I said it isn't on my mind constantly. I want to lose about 5-10 pounds, which really isn't that much, but for some reason I just can't get motivated to do anything about it. Why can't there just be a magic pill for this? Dieting sucks. As soon as I even think the word "diet", my body starts to take on water as if it's preparing for a drought.

I tried the Atkins Diet for a week or two and didn't see any quick results, so I gave up on that. I was on a walking kick for awhile with my fancy new pedometer, but that seems to have died out as well. And it's really hard to get my butt to the gym when I don't have a partner expecting me to show up. But somehow I've got to find SOMETHING that I can stick to that works, because it's eating me up inside. Every time I look in the mirror, I see this chubby, round face staring back at me and it makes me hate myself. I feel so unattractive and I'm so AWARE of every roll of fat on my body. There's got to be something I can do - and I need to figure it out quick.

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