Thursday, September 02, 2004

My Deaf Husband

A funny thing happened the other day. My husband and I had just driven home from a short weekend vacation in Pasadena and had parked my little red VW bug out front. We were trying to rest a bit but our house is so darn hot (we have no air conditioning) that we were having trouble relaxing. We had just opened up the front door to try and get some air circulating when I heard a woman riding by on a bicycle yell to her kids "Slug bug!". Well, immediately, Hoby jumps up out of his chair and goes storming out of the house and starts yelling mean things at the woman as she rides away. I was totally shocked. What on earth was WRONG with him? I kept asking him what he was yelling about and all he would say was "How dare she!". Finally, I said "Honey, she only said 'Slug bug!' Haven't you ever heard that saying before? What the heck is wrong with you?!" and he gets this funny look on his face and says, "Slug bug? I thought she said 'SLUT BUG!"

At least he was defending his woman, right? Oye!

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