Tuesday, October 11, 2005

7 Months

Eye Lashes Women Would Kill For

Dear Rory -

Yesterday you turned 7 months old and I've decided that you must have been born with the special ability to speed up time. It feels like you were only a helpless infant for a second or two, and now you're this little firecracker who manages to do something new every day. It never fails to amaze me.

Right now, you are in the beginning stages of learning to crawl, and I don't know whether to be excited that you're about to become mobile or scared to death. Yesterday, while I was busy on my computer and you were playing happily on the other side of the room, I suddenly looked up to find you at my feet, giggling. Right about then, the reality of motherhood hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm never going to be able to take my eyes off you again.

On My Tummy

I shouldn't be surprised, though. You've ALWAYS been a baby in motion. Those little legs of yours barely ever stop moving, even in your sleep. For about a month now you've been rubbing your feet together in a way that looks like you're trying to start a small fire, and you do it so much that I have to keep socks on you constantly now so that you don't rub your feet raw. And whenever we put you on your changing table or in your crib, you immediately start a kicking frenzy that's exhausting just to watch (and it makes changing your diapers that much more interesting!)


Speaking of EXHAUSTING, let's talk about your lack of sleep. Getting you to nap is almost impossible and you insist on getting up a million times a night. I realize that the world is all fresh and new for you, but I promise that if you close your eyes for a little while, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MISS A THING. And if you think that Mommy and Daddy are fun to play with now, just imagine how much MORE fun we'd be if we actually got some sleep.

But since you're not sleeping at the moment, we have plenty of time for other activities. Here's a list of your favorite things to do:

- Watching us stack up your blocks so that you can knock them down.
- Blowing raspberries (accompanied by a mouthful of drool, of course)
- Pulling Mommy's hair (or earrings, or necklace - you get the idea)
- Grabbing everything and anything and sticking it in your mouth
- Babbling loudly and repeating the same sound over and over (this week's it's "PSSSFFT")
- Sucking on people's blue jeans (Don't ask!)
- Smiling at strangers
- Banging your toys together to make the most noise possible
- Playing Peekaboo (the BEST GAME EVER)
- Slamming down your bottles in record time like you're a frat boy with a beer bong
- Eating your fingers

Yummy Fingers

Rory, you are the busiest little baby in the universe. You keep me on my toes 24/7 - and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy 7 months, big guy.


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