Wednesday, October 11, 2006

18 and 19 Month Newsletter

Dear Rory,
Today you turn 19 months old. Somehow you’re 19th month managed to sneak up on me so fast that I never even had a chance to write your 18 month newsletter. We’ve had a busy couple of months, you and I, so you’ll have to forgive me for not being on top of things like writing in my blog or having time for little things, like BREATHING.

You’ve always been a handful, son, but now that you’ve begun to process what goes on around you and you’re able to somewhat verbally express what you want, you’ve become a bossy little dictator. You walk around the house barking orders at us like “UP!”, “DOWN!”, “OFF!”, and “ON!”. And when all else fails, you point at things and grunt things that sound like commands, and amazingly, your father and I always seem to end up doing whatever it is you want us to. There’s no question that you’ve got us wrapped around your little finger.

Luckily this past month has seen the “Daddy” phase begin to disappear and as your Mommy, I have to say that I am unbelievably relieved. You still put up a fuss when Dada leaves in the morning, but it’s nothing like it was before and I can usually distract you with a book or by letting you pick out your own shirt to wear for the day. All I can say is THANK YOU for finally getting through this phase. Instead of feeling like your babysitter, I’m starting to feel like your MAMA again.

These past two months have also come with an explosion of words. At the very least, your vocabulary has quadrupled. I don’t think I can continue to keep a list of all your new words because there are just too many. But here are a couple of my favorites:

- Aubrey, Autumn, Avery, Amy, and Julia (names of your friends that you love to repeat over and over!)
- Suitcase (pronounced “Boot- Case”)
- Apple (used for EVERY piece of fruit, not just apples”)
- Outside (heard ALL THE TIME! You love to be outdoors!)
- Drive (pronounced “DWIVE” and used to describe one of your favorite activities, which is pretending to drive Dada’s car in the driveway)
- Whoa (used to point out spiders and spider webs outside)
- NanaPapaMamaDaddaRoro – (a verbal run down of the people you know are eating out of the palm of your hand)
- Tutu – (our word for your, um, wee wee, right next to the “BOYS”)

Speaking of your “Tutu”, we were watching a baseball game the other day and you heard the announcer say “and it’s 2-2” and you immediately grabbed your crotch and yelled “TUTU!” I could see that you were thinking, “Hey, how cool that they talk about THAT on T.V., Mama!” There’s no question about it, Rory, you are a boy, through and through!

I also could not write about these past couple of months without mentioning your love of music. Your Papa Stan gave you a set of small conga drums and along with a couple of wooden spoons, you go at them with wild abandon. And while it may not have been my first choice for you (a nice quiet acoustic guitar, perhaps?), there is no doubt that you love drumming and that you’re actually pretty darn good at it. I mean, how many other 19 month olds can actually keep a beat? So I plan to foster your talent in whatever way I can, even if that means that I will be eating aspirin like candy for the rest of my life. You also love to go crazy on the ukulele that we got you in Hawaii, you even sing like a little rock star. Rock on, Roro.

And while I may be busy running after you as you see how fast your little legs can carry you, or trying to get you to eat something that I swear you loved just yesterday, I want you to know that although I can seem frustrated sometimes, I’m truly enjoying the fact that you are becoming your own person. Someone said to me today that you no longer look like a baby, that you’ve suddenly become a little boy and I realized that it’s more than just looks. You’re growing up, Rory, and I’m so glad that I’m able to be home with you as much as I am so that I don’t miss a step.

I love you, little man.


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