Monday, December 04, 2006


Okay, okay - I usually don't do this sort of thing, but I was "tagged" by my friend Amanda, who I don't think usually does this sort of thing why the heck not?!

My 3 Things...

3 Things that scare me:
* Fire
* Heights (I'm only 5'1", so obviously God didn't intend for me to be far off the ground!)
* The idea of my son Rory getting hurt

3 People who make me laugh:
* My husband, Hoby - have you met him? He's a total dork :)
* Rory - especially when he dances. It's TOO funny!
* My friend Allison who lives on the east coast. We have some terrific inside jokes from our college days at Humboldt State ("Say it with me now - MIATA!" Ha ha ha!). We don't talk as often as I'd like, but when we do, her sarcastic sense of humor makes me roll on the floor and cry with laughter. Boy, do I miss her...

3 Things I love:
* My family and friends
* Singing to the radio in my car with the windows down
* Reading a good book

3 Things I hate:
* People who talk on their cell phones while you are trying to take their order at Starbucks. Hang up your damn phone, people!
* Saying "No" all day long to my son. (The terrible twos have started early!)
* Getting up in the morning. I am NOT, and will NEVER BE a morning person!

3 Things I do not understand:
* How to get Rory to listen to me more often
* Why religion is the cause of so many wars
* why food that tastes good is bad for you and why healthy food costs more

3 Things on my desk:
* Wow! For the first time in my life, I can actually say that I don't have a desk!

3 Things I am doing right now:
* Blogging
* Trying to get over the Flu and a cold :(
* Craving chocolate and peanut butter (even thought I probably couldn't taste it right now anyways!)

3 Things I want to do before I die:
* Go to Israel
* Write a book
* Get this parenting thing under control!

3 Things I can do:
* Play the cello (really!)
* Stand up for what I believe in (and trust me, it can get me in trouble)
* Pack a suitcase really well. (Think "Optimum Space Value")

3 Things I can not do:
* Throw a Frisbee (really, it's ridiculous but true)
* wrap a present (thank goodness for bags!)
* Do math in my head on the fly

3 Things I think you should listen to:
* John Mayor's Continuum CD - I'm hopelessly addicted
* The Garden State Sound Track
* Anything by Sarah Mclaughlin or Dave Matthews Band

3 Things you should never listen to:
* BARNEY!!!!
* The B-52's
* Did I mention BARNEY? Ugh!

3 Things I'd like to learn:
* to speak Spanish fluently (I Do live in California, after all!)
* to sew with a sewing machine
* To drive a stick shift

3 Favorite foods:
* Gyros
* Sushi (Dynamite rolls rock my world!)
* Lobster

3 Beverages I drink regularly:
* Iced Chai Lattes from the 'Bucks
* Iced Chai Lattes from the 'Bucks
* Iced Chai Lattes from the 'Bucks (see a trend here?)

3 Shows I watched as a kid:
* Growing Pains
* Smurfs
* Fame

3 People I'm tagging:
* Sara
* Cherylynn
* Kristie

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