Sunday, March 30, 2008

Make Your Life Easier - Getting Rid Of Clutter

In my last post, I talked about how one of my main New Year's resolutions was to try and get rid of all the useless clutter in my life. It's amazing how quickly clutter can take over a household, but unfortunately, getting rid of it can seem like it's a never-ending task. You know how it is - you clean your house out in preparation for a garage sale, and two days after the Salvation Army has picked up your left overs, you already have a new pile of clutter building up in the corner of your closet. It's a vicious cycle.

Let me start by saying that the only way to really stop clutter in your house is to stop buying more stuff and recycle what you already own into new things that you need.

But now that I've said that, let's be real. While that's definitely something to strive for, if your house is anything like mine (with a kid who is constantly outgrowing things, a husband who likes gadgets, and well, let's be honest, I like to shop!), that's probably not going to happen any time soon. So the only other de-cluttering options around here are to organize it or get rid of it.

There are two web sites that I've found that have been providing me with the weapons I need to constantly battle the clutter in my house: and is definitely worth a look. There is a lot of great information on the site itself, (although they will encourage you to join FlyLady, a daily email subscription, which is free). The main idea behind FlyLady is to break down the huge job of cleaning and de-cluttering your home into small, easy to do tasks so that eventually your home clutter is under control. There is a TON of useful information on the web site - and I mean A TON. In fact, so much so that's it's a bit overwhelming. In the third paragraph down on the first page of the site, there is a link to a section called Flying Lessons - and I highly recommend starting there. And truthfully, that may be all you need for some great, motivating ideas. However, if you want to dive deeper, head back to the main page and scroll down to the sections called "Reinforce Your Habits" and "What Kind of FlyBaby Are You?". I actually joined FlyLady to see if their emails would be useful, and although I liked the daily reminders to do things, the emails were so darn long (and very repetitive!) that I unsubscribed within a week. No need to move from household clutter to email clutter! But I still think this is a great resource to get you started on a living a clutter-free life.

Now onto Although joining, a subscription service, is not free (it costs $14.95 per month for access to a team of professional organizers online), there is actually quite a bit of free information available on the site, and it's SO much easier to read and navigate than FlyLady. Even better than the actual ClutterDiet site is the blog of Lorie Marrero, a professional organizer and the creator of The ClutterDiet. Her blog is filled with useful tips for creating a clutterless life and best of all, it's totally free. Instead of subscribing to the site, I recommend subscribing to the RSS feed of the blog (at no charge, of course) - I have yet to read an idea that I didn't think was useful.

Now I'm off to de-clutter my kitchen junk drawer... happy spring cleaning!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm a fly -lady. Well...not practicing. But I really did follow their guide when the boy was first born, and really helped me pick up some great things. I would recommend their method to everyone....