Saturday, October 30, 2004

A Birthday Gift

21 Weeks

I know it's been forever since I last blogged, but since I can't blog at work anymore, it's not easy to find the time to sit down and start typing. I've been flattered though by the number of people who have asked me why I haven't updated my blog in awhile - I guess that means people are actually reading this!

Things have been going fairly well with my pregnancy lately. I think I finally hit the "honeymoon period" eveyone kept telling me about that I never thought would actually happen to me. The only thing that was worrying me was the fact that I hadn't felt the baby move yet. Perhaps I'm just being a panicky first-time mom (and if I am, well, too bad!), but everything I've read said that I should be feeling wuite a bit of movement by now and I hadn't felt even the tiniest flutter. So I called the doctor about it and she had me come in for an ultrasound. Turns out that the placenta is positioned in such a way that it's absorbing all of the motion, which explains why I haven't felt anything yet. However, I was at my parents house the other night getting ready to go out to dinner for my 29th birthday and lo and behold, I finally felt something! It like a small TAP TAP in my tummy, and it happened again a few minutes later. I was so excited! I can finally FEEL that there is a baby in there rather than just waiting to see ultrasound picture every few weeks when I go to the doctor. I felt it again last night at around the same time, so perhaps he's starting to get on a bit of a schedule. How cool is that?!

Oh, did I mention that we found out we're having a BOY? Truth be told, I was a bit shocked to find out it was a boy. Okay, I'm lying. I was VERY shocked. I almost feel off the examining table when the doctor told us. I had been so sure it was a girl... I guess that shows you how well my mother's intuition is working at this stage, eh? Hoby was estatic, of course, but it's taken me quite a while to get used to the idea of it. I always imagined myself with a daughter, you know, dressing her up in cute little clothes, putting her hair up in pig-tails, doing the mother-daughter bonding thing- that sort of stuff. I'm not really sure what to do with a baby boy. I guess I'll figure it out soon enough, won't I?

Another big thing that happened is that we traded in the VW Bug (otherwise known as the "Slut Bug") for a brand new Honda CRV. It was a little sad to give away my little red buggie mobile - it kinda felt like I was handing over the keys to my younger, wilder days, but the CRV is so much fun to drive that I got over it pretty quickly. Now I'm eye to eye with all of the trucks and SUVs on the road who were always trying to cut me off in my low riding Bug - so look out drivers on the 101, here I come with a vengence! Yes, it may be a "family car" but it's a darn cool one, if I do say so myself. So if you see me driving by in my new wheels, be sure and honk hello!

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