Monday, November 08, 2004

Satan in Carl's Jr.

A friend and I had just finished having a nice peaceful lunch at Carl's Jr. today and were sitting at our table chatting when suddenly an older lady with really big hair and equally big glasses marches over to our table and rudely asks "Are you just going to sit here and gab all day or are you going to move it so I can have your table?". WHAT?! Did she really just say that? I was so stunned I couldn't even speak for a second (and if you know me, that's no small feat!) - I think I just had my mouth open in shock. My friend Gail, who also looked a bit rattled, looked around and said as politely as she could manage "We will be here for another 15-20 minutes or so, but there are plenty of other tables available." So the woman snaps at her "I want a BOOTH, not some grungy table. Now just hurry up and leave!"

Now, I could see that Gail, who is a former policewoman and is also known as Gail the Gun Lady (see my past post) was turning red and getting ready to explode at the lady (which would have been kinda fun to watch, but probably not such a good idea), so I quickly said "Look, I'm sorry, but we're not finished. If you're still waiting for a table when we're done, I'll come and find you. " Well, apparently this wasn't good enough for the queen of bitchiness. She made a big stink and then proceeded stand two feet away and glare at us for the remainder of our lunch. Talk about unsettling! Gail and I were totally uncomfortable but we refused to give in and leave until we were good and ready. Once we had waited long enough and the woman looked about ready to have a nuclear meltdown, we stood up to leave. Before I could even get my big pregnant butt out of the booth she was swooping in to grab the table, practically knocking me down in the process. I've never seen anything like it! And all for a stupid booth by the window that overlooked the FREEWAY, for goodness sake! What is this world coming to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being Ohsensitiveone... I can't help but want to cry for that lady and pray for her. Then being human and hormonal, I can't help but really believe she WAS Satan and want to hurt her for being so mean to you! Wow... you have moved me to two very different emotions in one blog.... WEEEEE this emotional rollercoaster ride. What fun. What in the world happened to this woman to make her so terribly jaded?