Thursday, January 06, 2005

Sickness and Pregnancy Don't Mix

Week 31

In case anyone one has been wondering why I've fallen off the face of the Earth lately, it's because I have been sick. Not just a little sick, mind you, but full blown, knocked flat on my ass sick. What started out as a little cold ended up morphing into bronchitis and a sinus infection (at least that's the latest diagnosis) and when you're pregnant, there are very few medications that you can take. I'm coughing constantly, my eyes are watering like Niagra Falls, and I haven't been able to take a breath through my nose in over a week. Do I sound fun to be around or what?

Did I also mention that I was sick on New Year's Eve? How wrong is that? I had been all excited about a party that we were invited to - I had really wanted to whoop it up for our last New Year's "without children". But instead of getting dressed up and socializing with friends, I ended up in my pajamas watching the ball drop on TV through a mountain of dirty tissues. Sigh, it just ain't right.

Okay, that's all for my pity party. Hopefully next week will be better...

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