Monday, February 14, 2005

Maternity Leave Monday

36 Weeks

Finally, it's the day I've been day dreaming about since I first told my employer that I was was pregnant - my maternity leave has officially begun! No more getting up at the crack of dawn and fighting an hours worth of traffic all the way to work. No more staring at the clock on my computer and praying that 5 o'clock comes quickly. No more,no more, no more! Hurray!

Ah,the things I will do with my oodles of free time! Finish getting the nursery ready, give the house a really good cleaning, do some little craft projects for the baby's room, write more often in my blog - I have a list a mile long of things I've been wanting to do but haven't had the time for. Of course, I'm probably fooling myself by thinking that I'm going to get all of these things done before Rory makes his appearance. Part of my brain - obviously the more RATIONAL part - is just starting to realize that my free time is quickly starting to come to end and that in a few short weeks, my entire life is going to be consumed by a little person who requires my full attention 24 hours a day. Yikes!

At my last doctor's appointment on Friday, I was already 30% effaced, although I haven't started to dilate yet, and the doc thinks that it will only be another two to three weeks. TWO TO THREE WEEKS, PEOPLE! That's barely any time at all! I'm torn between being relieved that this pregnancy is almost over and being terrified that my life is about to change FOREVER...there's no stopping it now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always loved the name Rory. Yeah, parenting makes you forget all too quickly about the discomfort of pregnancy. It's awesome that you have friends for support and you'll be able to share in motherhood together. That's really a blessing.