Sunday, May 15, 2005

Playing Catch Up


Yes, I realize that it’s been awhile (okay, a LONG while!) since I’ve written, but I have a pretty good excuse! My son, Rory Anderson Pearce, was born on March 10th via c-section after 10 hours of labor weighing 7 lbs 6 ozs. He had a surprisingly full head of hair considering the fact that his father is somewhat folically challenged, big blue eyes, and enormous feet that completely explained why I always felt like his toes were jammed up under my ribs (because they WERE!). Basically, he was the cutest baby ever – not that we’re biased or anything – and his father and I still don’t quite understand how this adorable little being came from the two of us!


Obviously a lot has happened in the past 10 weeks, and I promise that when I have more time, I will fill you in on my labor story, my losing battle with breast feeding, and the endless hours I’ve spent trying everything to calm the fussiest baby in the universe. But I realized that if I kept putting off writing in my blog because I have so much catching up to do, I might never start up again. And I know I’d hate myself if I missed out on documenting the biggest adventure and the most difficult challenge of my life so far – being Rory’s mom. So here goes nothing…


Today Rory spent an entire hour playing with his new favorite toy – a helium balloon. And considering that the average attention span of my figity son is typically 5-10 minutes, one whole hour is something of a miracle. Basically, I tie the string to his wrist, and as he flails his arm up and down (which he’s constantly doing anyway), the balloon dances around his head and voila – my extremely high maintenance son is provided with instant entertainment! And for a tired mama, that’s a wonderful thing.

Rory is one of those babies who needs to be amused and entertained 24/7, so we have to have a whole arsenal of toys and activities ready at any given moment. Because when Rory get’s bored, the whole world hears about it in the form of siren-like screaming – and let me tell you, my kid has one powerful set of lungs. Currently my bag of tricks includes:

- a Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Bouncy Seat (affectionately referred to as "Fish TV")

- a kitty mobile above his changing table that we’ve named the Bad Larry’s (Each kitty makes a different sound, so they’ve been named Jingle Larry, Rattle Larry, and Squeaky Larry). I have NO idea why, but somehow the names have stuck and Rory seems to get a kick out of them.

- an exercise ball that we bounce on CONSTANTLY because no one can bounce on their own forever

Currently, my life consists of rotating between these things ALL DAY LONG, so you can see why the addition of the balloon is so exciting. And as a stay-at-home mom right now, a little variety goes a LONG way.


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