Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Big 3-0

Tomorrow I turn thirty.

Now, normally birthdays don't bother me, but for some reason, this one just refuses to slip by peacefully. It's irritating me, like a popcorn kernel that's stuck between my teeth that I can't seem to work out with my tongue. Thirty years. THIRTY YEARS, PEOPLE! How did I get so old all of a sudden? I swear it was just yesterday that I turned twenty-one, and now I'm freakin' thirty! It's hard to get my head around it...

I've noticed that as this day has been approaching, I've become very nostalgic for the "old days". Everything seems to trigger a memory. Like today, for instance, I heard James Taylor on the radio and I was instantly taken back to high school, driving with my windows down and smokin' cigarettes in my old Pontiac Sunbird. And yesterday, a woman came in smelling like Noxema, and I was suddenly a little girl again, with my Grandma rubbing the cold cream on my sunburned shoulders. I've even been dreaming at night about the houses I lived in as a child in Michigan, reliving every tiny detail, right down to the color of the carpets and the pictures on the walls.

Is this normal? To start living in the past as the future creeps up on you? It's a very strange feeling, this turning thirty stuff. Yes, indeed.

Well, goodbye twenties, it's been nice. Here's to the next decade...


Anonymous said...

Speaking as someone who crossed that line about two months ago, I can say it hasn't been too bad so far.

It's good to know there's a fellow James Taylor fan around too.

nathan stryker said...

looks like you've got a friend, but really, we've all seen fire and rain.