Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Puke Girl

So, I did a really stupid thing and ate a sandwich from work that I KNEW wasn't that fresh. And then six hours later I got sick. REALLY, REALLY SICK. Take me to the hospital, I want to die sick.


So sick, in fact, that my husband and child were afraid to come anywhere near me for a full 24 hours. So sick that I can't even TYPE the name of what I ate because just the thought of it will make me start hurling over again. So sick that I may never be able to eat chicken again. Yup, THAT EFFING SICK.

And it's my own fault...

What's worse than that?

1 comment:

lnstryker said...

yuck. I ate a grilled cheese with tomatoes the other day. the first half was fine, but when I started to eat the second half I smelled something funny. after a few more bites I realized it was the tomato rotting. i stopped at that point, but now i keep smelling that smell from other stuff. blah
hope youre feeling better!