Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Top Five Things That Annoy Your Coffee Barista: Part 2

Back by popular demand...

1) People who spend ten minutes holding up my line complaining to me that Starbucks doesn't offer enough low calorie items for people who are watching their weight, and then they finally go on to order a venti caramel mocha Frappuccino with whipped cream and extra chocolate and caramel drizzle both on top and in the cup. I'm getting a sugar headache just thinking about it.

2) Fellow Starbucks employees who come into the store on their time off and order the most obnoxious, time-consuming beverages they can think of, especially when it's BUSY. One girl actually asked specifically for ten ice cubes in her drink, and when I handed it to her, she asked, "Did you count them?" I looked her straight in the eye while trying to keep up with a rush of drink orders and said, "NOPE. Have a nice day!" You Starbucks people know what it's like behind the counter - give your fellow partners a friggin' break and save the complicated drink orders for when you are on shift and can make them your damn self.

3) People who leave their trash on the tables. There are garbage cans EVERYWHERE - not to mention the ones right next to the doors on your way out. There is NO excuse for leaving your garbage laying around and it's insulting to those of us who have to pick it up. Do you really have so little respect for people in the food service industry? What you people need is to walk a day in our shoes...

4) People who bring their little dogs into our store. I hate to break it to you folks, but they are DOGS, not people, no matter how many cute tiny sweaters you may dress them in. Dogs have FUR, and fur SHEDS. Enough said. So don't give me grief when I tell you that we don't allow dogs in the store - because I, like most people, prefer my lattes fur-less.

and last but not least...

5) I thought that people just talking on their cell phones while ordering was bad, but I've actually found something that's WORSE - people who ANSWER their cell phone while ordering! Let's face it, in this age of technology, we ALL have voice mail. Is it going to kill you to let the phone ring for a second while you finish ordering so we can get to the next person in line? As as I've said before, just HANG UP YOUR DAMN PHONES people!

Sighhh. Yeah, it's just been one of those weeks...


nathan stryker said...

the customer in #1 must have been joking.

JGreene said...

You don't like fur in your latte? And I thought you had good taste...