Monday, January 21, 2008

A Banner Week


This week has been amazing in terms of milestones for Rory. First of all, he has been doing a great job sleeping on his "big boy" mattress on the floor, since we've been trying to transition him out of his crib. The first night he slept on his mattress, he woke up and called for me, not realizing that he could actually get out of bed on his own. It only took a few times though before he realized, hey, I don't actually HAVE to stay here! I can get OUT of my bed! Do these people KNOW what they've done? Ha!

Smile 1

He scared Hoby half to death one night when he silently snuck into our room after we thought he was asleep. We kept having to put him back in his bed, only to hear him giggling as he tip-toed back out of his room again. Another night, he was quiet for about 20 minutes after we put him down, and we were impressed (with him and with ourselves!) that he had fallen asleep so quickly. But when Hoby went upstairs to change his clothes, he found that Rory had quietly snuck into our bed, and it was obvious that he was hoping we wouldn't notice. (You're kinda hard to miss, big guy!)

But after a few nights of getting the hang of things, he has now made it through THREE full nights of uninterrupted sleep and he's even managed to take his naps on his mattress. So I guess that means that my baby is officially ready for a "big boy bed." I think the first time I walk into his room and see a bed instead of a crib it's going to break my mommy heart just a little...

Smile 2

Milestone number two: Rory finally went potty on the toilet! He's been great with the peeing part of things, but it's been quite a struggle to get him to, um, sit down, if you know what I mean. We know that he's aware of when he has to go because he always heads over to the same spot behind a chair to do his business. And if he's wearing a pull-up, he'll actually come over and ask us to put him in a diaper. So on Saturday, when he asked me to put him in a diaper, I suddenly got this crazy idea and I told him that we were out of diapers. I even took him over to the diaper basket (which I hadn't restocked yet for the day) and showed him that it was empty. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he processed this information, so I took advantage of the situation and said, "Guess you'll have to use the toilet to go potty!" I held my breath and waited for the loud "Nooooo!" that usually accompanies any suggestion to poop on the pot. But instead he said, "Okay!".

Okay? OKAY?! Was it really that simple? And yes, it really was! Why didn't I try this AGES ago? Sheesh... so we FINALLY had what I like to call "poop lift off" and Rory was beyond excited that he heard the "plop plop" sound in the toilet. Who knew pooping could be so much fun!

I don't know why it's happening all at once, but my little boy is growing up...

Way to go, Ro!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so BRILLIANT!! Stacy, that was a brilliant parenting move! WOW! So creative...crafty even!
Michelle H