Saturday, January 26, 2008

Top Five Things That Annoy Your Coffee Barista: Part 3

Once again, back by popular demand:

5) Customers who finally get to the register after being in line for awhile and then don't know what to order. You just waited in line for ten minutes, what the heck were you doing all that time? And then some of you actually have the nerve to complain about how slow the line is moving. Hmmm, wonder why?

4) People who spill their drinks in the lobby and then don't tell anyone about it. People, this is a major safety hazard - we could get our asses sued if someone slipped on that mess. It's not like we're asking YOU to clean it up, we're just asking you to TELL us that it happened so we can take care of it. It's called common decency. Maybe you've heard of it? Actually, maybe you haven't...

3) Regulars who are rude to our baristas in training. Yes, I know that you are used to having your drink waiting for you before you even order it, but we've all gotta learn sometime. Have a little patience! Trust me, being an ass to our newbies isn't going to earn you points with anyone behind the counter, and it may actually end up earning you DECAF without you knowing it. So BE NICE!

2) Customers who complain when we run out of something. Yes, it sucks when you've had your heart set on your favorite drink and we've run out of white mocha (or vanilla or sugar free hazelnut - whatever, you get the idea). But take a second before you lash out at the person behind the register and realize that we are JUST THE MESSANGER. We didn't purposely run into the back when we saw you coming and chug down the last bottle of your favorite syrup just to spite you. We simply ran out. We have at least TWENTY other flavors for you to choose from - and remember, it's JUST COFFEE. It's not the end of the world.

And the number one thing that is annoying your neighborhood barista these days...

1) Yup , it's that damn cell phone problem again, but with a different twist. People actually get to register, but instead of ordering, they tell me to wait a minute and then use their cell phone to call and get their friends' drink orders. Out of respect for your fellow customer waiting behind you, don't come up to the register if you don't know what you're going to order. And for God's sake, people, for the last time - hang up your phone!

Yeah, it's just been one of those weeks...

(For more of my ranting and raving, my previous top five lists can be found here and here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know funny and THAT is funny!