Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Look into the Future...

We took Rory to one of the summer concerts in the park a few weekends ago, and of course, he wanted to be as close to the stage as possible to soak it all in. He plastered himself to the fencing around the stage and kept saying, "Mom, I wish I could go up there!":

wish I was up there...

He was so obviously thrilled by being so close to the music that one of the musicians even noticed. He kept looking at Rory and smiling, and Ro of course was smiling his little head off. So, during the second set, the guy came over and asked if he could bring Rory up on stage. I didn't even have time to answer before Rory threw himself at the man without a moments hesitation and went up on stage in front of a couple thousand people! I've never seen him smile so big!


I imagine it won't be long before our little guy is up on stage playing music on his own...

1 comment:

JGreene said...

...As his uncle, I wholeheartedly support Roro's choice of pants.