Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A New Definition of Enjoyment

Week 27

After a few weeks of being worried for no reason (one of my specialties), we got the results back from my Gestational Diabetes test and they were normal. THANK GOD. Being pregnant is enough trouble already without having to go on a special diet and check my blood every few hours, don't you think? I can't even imagine!

Someone actually asked me the other day how I was enjoying my pregnancy. ENJOYING? Did they say ENJOYING? HA! Am I ENJOYING having my body completely out of my control and having to pee every half hour? Am I ENJOYING the exhaustion, the constant back aches, the waddle that is becoming more pronounced every day, and the inability to tie my own shoes? I DON'T THINK SO. I know there are some women out there who love being pregnant, but I think I've gotten over the fact that I am NOT one of them.

However, there are moments like right now when I can feel Rory moving around in there and I think to myself, isn't that AMAZING?! There's actually a baby in there. A baby that Hoby and I made, kicking his cute little baby feet! How extraordinary is that? And then, my friends, it's all worth it.

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