Saturday, June 04, 2005


Well folks, it's official - after a week or two of watching Rory punch himself in the face repeatedly as he tried to coordinate getting his fist in his mouth, they finally connected!


So now not only do we have serious drool going on because he's teething (yes, my "super advanced" son is teething at 3 months! Thank GOD I'm not breastfeeding - ouch!), but he is now smearing the slobber all over his face as shoves his new found friend in his mouth every chance he gets.

Even though I am now completely covered in baby drool within minutes of picking up my son, I'm jumping for joy over this new milestone because perhaps it will mean that Rory, King of the Fussy Babies, can finally entertain HIMSELF for a blessed minute or two. And for that, my friends, I'd SWIM in slobber if I had to.

I kid you not.

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