Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Make Way for the Waddle

23 Weeks

I went for another ultrasound today because the baby still hasn't been moving very much (at least not that I can feel) and we just wanted to make sure that everything was A-OK. This was the first time I'd ever had an ultrasound in the morning - usually I have them in the late afternoon and I think the little guy has always been taking a nap. Well, he was wide awake this morning! He was movin' all over the place - waving his arms and kicking his tiny feet. (Have I mentioned how darn cute his little feet are?!) The funny thing is that I STILL can't feel it, even when I can SEE him giving me a good swift kick in the ribs. I suppose I should be grateful for my overly large placenta and the fact that it is absorbing all of his attempts to kick the living day lights out of my uterus. In a few weeks I have no doubt that I will be wishing for the days that I was blissfully unaware of his movements.

Speaking of movement, I've been horrified lately with this pregnant waddle that I have suddenly acquired. How on earth did that happen? I always swore to myself that I would not be one of those waddling women, I mean weren't they just being lazy? Couldn't they stop themselves if they REALLY wanted to? Well, unfortunately, I've now learned that the answer is a big resounding NO. I CAN'T HELP IT. These hips of mine have a mind of their own and they are quite the force to be reckoned with. I practically leave dents in the walls of the hallway at work as I waddle my way across the building. So if you happen to find yourself walking next to me, well, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kat here.

I must be living in a dream world.... I don't waddle (famous last words). I'll have to check myself in a mirror or ask Christopher. Oh wait... he'll tell me what I want to hear. Maybe that's why I think I don't waddle.... he creates my dream world. Oh well, I'm happy here, even if it's in my own little head. Glad to see you blogging again my friend! Also... if your placenta keeps you from being kicked in the ribs over and over and over and over... consider yourself blessed