Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Pregnancy Has Gone to My Head

Friday night we were having dinner at Hoby's aunt and uncle's house. I
was meeting him there after work, and even though I've been there
several times, I wasn't totally sure how to get there, so I asked
for directions. The directions were easy enough - get off at
the Kimbal exit and take a left, take a right at the first stop light on
Coltran, then another right on Baker. Okay, not too hard. So I'm
driving along, following the directions, but when I turn right at the
first stop light, the road dead ends at a school. And I'm like, hey,
this can't be right! So I turn around and back track a bit, but I can't
find Coltran ANYWHERE. I try calling Hoby on his cell phone, but for
once in his life, he actually turned the darn thing off and I can't get
through. I continue to drive around, hoping that I'll eventually find
the elusive Coltran, but after 15 minutes and at least 5 u-turns, I
realize that I need help.

I finally call in an SOS to my sister-in-law, Jackie, and explain my driving dilemma. Of course, she asks me for a landmark to help her figure out where I am, so I say that I'm on Kimbal, and that I just passed the Government Center. "The Government Center?" she says, "There's no Government Center on Kimbal! You're on Victoria, silly!" I had gotten off one exit too soon without even realizing it - and let me tell you, it's not like I've never gotten off at either of these exits before - I'm use them all the time! Boy, did I feel like a complete IDIOT. But at least I can chalk this up to being pregnant, right?

Just nod yes and make me feel better, okay?

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