Thursday, September 08, 2005

Six Months

Food Face

Rory -
Well, you've officially turned six months old, and your father and I can barely belive it. You've been around now for HALF A YEAR - how is it possible that it's been that long? It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital, just a tiny helpless bundle with two new parents that didn't have a clue what we were in for. There wasn't much to you then really, you were sort of just this cute baby blob who cried, ate and pooped - pretty much in that order - all day, every day.

But as the months have gone by, amazing changes have taken place. Yes, you still cry, eat and poop, but now you can do so much more! You're sitting up by yourself, eating solid foods, rolling over, reaching out and grabbing things, trying to eat your feet, and laughing when your daddy and I tickle you. You've suddenly become a little HUMAN, with your own personality, right before our eyes. You know exactly what you like (insert big baby smile here) and what you don't like (insert ridiculously loud shrieking here), and you're not afraid to let us know exactly how you feel at any given moment.

Look at my foot!

And let's talk about the crazy growth spurt you've had. Twenty pounds at six months! Oye! I can barely carry you anymore! You've outgrown all of your 6-9 month clothes that you wore for like one whole second, and now all that fit are your size 3 diapers. So if you look like a little white trash baby in just a diaper and a bib for the next few months, I hope you can forgive me, but I just can't keep up with all this GROWING. We even had to go out and buy you a big boy car seat tonight because I could no longer lift you in and out of the car in your infant seat without throwing out my back. Have I mentioned that I have arms of STEEL?!

Sitting Up by Myself

But no matter how sore my arms and back may be, or how tired I might get, seeing your beautiful smile makes it ALL worth it. After a long day of work, there is nothing better than coming home and having your face light up when you see me walk in the door. I hope that no matter how old you are, that part never changes...

Happy six months, Rory Bear.


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