Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Come Out, Come Out, Where Ever You Are

Lately I've been feeling a little bit like I've lost myself. Yes, I'm Hoby's wife, I'm Rory's mama, I'm a barista at the Mother of All Coffee Houses...I've become so many things to so many people, but what has happened to ME? The REAL me?

The me that used to feel inspired every time she walked outside and smelled fresh air.

The me that loved to shake her groove thing on the dance floor.

The me who was passionate about her political beliefs and wasn't afraid to stand up for them.

The me that was always ready to laugh and could flirt with the best of them.

The me that was a little bit wild and had a sense of adventure.

Where has that me gone?

Don't get me wrong - it's very important to me to be a good wife, a good mother, maybe even a good employee, but it makes me sad to know that I'm slowly losing myself in the process... I guess I need to find a way to balance the me I used to be with who I am now.

Any suggestions?


nathan stryker said...

stop sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Find a couple of hours (hopefully you can extend it to a half day or whole day eventually)that is just for you- no kids, no hubby. Do something you love to do, again without kids or hubby. You have to do this at least once a week. Start there and see where it takes you. xoxox- Allison

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to your posts.