Monday, August 08, 2005

An eBay Addict is Born

Just in the last month or so, I've slowly started becoming an eBay addict. It all started when I was searching for a special bed for Rory. For those of you who don't know, Rory has acid reflux (passed down from his mama - sorry baby!) and he has never been able to sleep in his crib because he can't lay flat on his back for extended periods of time. He was officially diagnosed with acid reflux when he was two months old, and we were told that he needed to sleep in a semi-upright position. Well, the only thing that seemed "upright" enough at the time was his swing - and now he's been sleeping in it ever since. But now that he is close to outgrowing his swing (but not his acid reflux), I've been trying to figure out what we were going to do next.

After much researching on the web, I found two options: the first was something called a Tucker Wedge/Sling Combo, which was essentially a really big wedge that had a harness attached to it to keep the baby from sliding down it during the night.

Tucker Wedge

I contacted the company, but was told that once my son hit 15 pounds, he would be too big for the thing, and since he's currently 18 lbs, that was crossed off the list immediately.

The second thing was something called an Amby Hammock. It's a lot like Rory's swing, but he can be in it up to 45 lbs.

Amby Hammock

It's a pretty cool looking contraption but it has a mighty hefty price tag - not to mention a "no return" policy. So just for kicks one day, I decided to see if anyone was selling them on eBay - and lo and behold, they were! And so my eBay obsession began...

I started gathering things up around the house that I could sell to start saving up money to buy an Amby Hammock. After selling just about everything that wasn't nailed down in our closets, I eventually had enough to start trying to buy. Hoby and I discussed how much we were willing to spend and I happily started bidding. But time after time, the prices kept going too high and I kept losing. And I HATE to lose! I was getting pretty discouraged - until last night when I finally WON!!!

So Rory should be getting his amazing new Amby Hammock sometime in the next week and I'm so excited! I'm praying that he takes to it immediately and that maybe we'll even be able to move him to his OWN ROOM. Yeehaw!


Anonymous said...

Have you seen my brown shoes? They are missing. Hoby

nathan stryker said...

joey's reflux cleared up with solids and cow's milk (aka at 1 year).