Monday, August 15, 2005

A Wad of Cash Well Spent


As you can see by this picture taken only moments ago, the Amby Hammock is a total success!

Excuse me for a moment as I get down on my knees, thank God, and then do the Happy Dance! (Insert crazy jig-like dancing here.)

I'm so grateful that Rory likes his new bed - if he had hated it, I never would of heard the end of it from Hoby, who understandably was a little hesitant to buy something so expensive that only had a 50/50 chance of working.


Did you hear the gust of wind that just rattled your house? That was my huge sigh of relief...

Of course, that doesn't mean that all is perfect in the world yet as far as Rory's sleeping goes, but we're definitely one step closer than we were when he was sleeping in his swing. If he sleeps through the night for three nights in a row in his new hammock, we're going to officially move him into his own room - and that, my friends, will be a life changing event! Imagine spending an entire night without having to worry that every little creak the bed makes when I move is going to wake Rory up. Or knowing that I don't have to jump out of bed and run down the hall like a bat out of hell in order to cough or sneeze without him hearing. Oh, the freedom! I'm getting giddy just thinking about it!

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