Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bring On the Stress

Our New House!

After having Rory, I was certain that nothing could possible be more nerve-wracking in life than having a baby. I was wrong…

During the last several weeks, we have been in the process of buying our very first house. It’s a beautiful home with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms in a gated community chock full of young families with children. It’s absolutely perfect for our little family, but as those of you who live in California know, perfect comes with a pretty high price tag. Where else would you end up paying OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS for a simple starter home? Aside from being a parent, it’s the most responsibility either one of us has ever taken on and it’s absolutely terrifying. We just keep telling ourselves that everyone probably feels this way when they buy their first house, right?

And as if having a baby and buying/moving into our first house isn't stressful enough, I've decided to add one more thing to the mix - a new job. I resigned from the job I had as a meeting planner at J.D. Power before my maternity leave was over because Hoby and I decided that we didn't want me to be working 40 hours a week with a 45 minute commute each way. It was just too much time away from Rory each day. Why have a baby if you're just going to put him in child care all day long if you don't have to? But unfortunately, since the health benefits were through my job, I had to find a way to get health insurance while only working part-time.

So you are now looking at the newest employee at Starbucks - the Mothership of Coffee Houses and one of the very few companies who will give you full benefits for your whole family working only 20 hours a week. Not exactly where I pictured myself ending up, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do, right? And Starbucks always seems like it has a hip, fun atmosphere, and after being home with a baby for three months straight, that definitely has a certain appeal. I just wish I didn't have to start two weeks before we move - but since we need the benefits to kick in as soon as possible, we just couldn't wait.

At least I'll be getting free coffee, right? 'Cause I'm sure gonna need it!

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